Casa de Arrafán (Arrafán House)
General information
Baroque style building located in the Plaza de España.
It is a mid-18th century house built by Bartolomé de Arrafán y Valdés, representative of the interests of the Duke of Medina Sidonia in Conil, where he held the posts of Navy Commissioner, War Captain and Mayor.
It is one of the most beautiful Baroque houses in the town, with two floors and a façade with double capital pilasters and a fluted shaft.
The lintel preserves an elegant moulding crowned by the imposing family coat of arms. The façade maintains the stone cornices with broken shapes above the door. The entrance hall gives access to a courtyard over which the rooms are arranged. It has a small rear courtyard for service, with a well shared with the adjoining property.
The interior layout of the house retains its original state, except for minor modifications.