Municipal historical archive
General information
The Municipal Historical Archive of Conil de la Frontera is a public archive, owned by the municipality, managed by the Town Hall and integrated in the Andalusian Archive System. It is located in the basement of the Municipal Technical Office, in the Plaza de la Constitución.
The origin of the Municipal Archives dates back to the 15th century, when the town council of Conil was constituted and, since then, it has been including all the documentation coming from the Monarchy, the Ducal House, the Town Hall and other institutions.
Over the years, the administration and management of the municipality's interests has generated a large amount of documentation which today constitutes one of the town's most precious treasures. The Archive houses all this documentation, from the oldest to the most current, from the 17th to the 21st century.
One of its main functions is to make more than four centuries of documentation available to the people of Conil, researchers and municipal offices, allowing them to learn about the life of their ancestors, their administrative procedures and their behaviour in their daily lives and in the face of important events in their history.
This historical archive is one of the main sources for the knowledge of the modern and contemporary history of Conil.
Most of the documentation available in the Municipal Archive is from the contemporary period, although the oldest documents date back to 1628, including bindings of the Acta Capitulares (Chapter Minutes), drawn up after each Town Council meeting.