General information
It is one of the essential places to enjoy the beauty of the entire coastline of Conil and the rich landscape of Cabo Roche. These cliffs are also of great geological interest, as you can observe the different layers that correspond to materials from different geological eras and that help us to understand their formation and geological time, which is why they are included as a Site of Geological Interest (LIG AND 128), for their geomorphical, stratigraphic and palaeontological interest.
In addition, these cliffs form an ecosystem of great environmental richness, as they are home to a multitude of species of fauna and flora. This area is characterised by its natural environment made up of cliffs over which there is a pine forest and Mediterranean scrubland with mastic trees,palmettos, rosemary and juniper as the main species. The cliffs are the ideal place for the sighting of hundreds of birds species. In the area of Cape Roche there is a viewpoint with all the necessary facilities to be able to enjoy the enormous beauty of the landscape accompanied by the flight of a multitude of birds. On them you can follow Las Calas Trail, a route along paths drawn on the surface of the cliffs.